Last week… WATCH NOW Archives LATEST COLLECTION Dean Curry - OURCHURCH The Book of Joy | Dean Curry - OURCHURCH Finding True Joy | Moses Masitha - OURCHURCH FAQ Can The Bible Be Trusted? Apostles Creed Skip to Videos It's Time to be Happy Again | Philippines 'The Book of Joy' | FAQ | The Apostles Creed | Passion | Purpose | Philippines 'The Book of Joy', Dean Curry - OURCHURCH Philippines 'The Book of Joy', The Book of Joy | Dean Curry - OURCHURCH Philippines 'The Book of Joy', Finding True Joy | Moses Masitha - OURCHURCH FAQ, FAQ Dean Curry FAQ, Can The Bible Be Trusted? Moses Masitha The Apostles Creed, Apostles Creed Dean Curry The Apostles Creed, the Holy Spirit Dean Curry The Apostles Creed, What Is The Devil Afraid Of? Dean Curry The Apostles Creed, Palm Wknd Dean Curry Passion, Week 1: Why do bad things happen to good people? Dean Curry Passion, Week 2: Why do bad things happen to good people? Dean Curry Passion, Week 3: Why do bad things happen to good people? Moses Masitha Passion, Week 4: Why do bad things happen to good people? Dean Curry Purpose, YEAR END 2022 Purpose, WK1 Purpose John Gaines Purpose, WK2 Purpose Dean Curry Purpose, WK3 Purpose Dean Curry Purpose, WK4 Purpose Dean Curry Purpose, WK5 Melanie and Dean Interview Melanie Grassi + Dean Curry Purpose, WK6 Purpose Dean Curry Purpose, WK7 Valentine's Interview Emily + John Gaines Purpose, WK8 Messy Relationships Dean Curry